Palestinians Rally for Global Strike in Solidarity Amidst Ongoing Gaza Attacks

Joining forces, Palestinian activists and international influencers call for a global strike on December 11 to demand an immediate ceasefire as Israel continues its aggression on Gaza. The strike, initiated by the National and Islamic Forces coalition, aims to unite the globe against the open genocide, ethnic cleansing, and colonial settlement in the West Bank. Read on to understand the significance of this movement and its rejection of the recent US veto against a UN Security Council resolution to stop the war on Gaza.

Palestinians Rally for Global Strike in Solidarity Amidst Ongoing Gaza Attacks
Palestinians Rally for Global Strike in Solidarity Amidst Ongoing Gaza Attacks

In a resounding display of unity, Palestinian activists, bolstered by international influencers, issue a global call for a strike on December 11, demanding an immediate ceasefire amid escalating Israeli aggression in Gaza. The National and Islamic Forces coalition, representing major Palestinian factions, calls on Palestinians and global supporters to join, transcending "all aspects of public life" in a show of solidarity against relentless attacks.

The Coalition's Stand Against Genocide: Standing Against Genocide: Coalition Rejects US Veto The coalition's statement, integral to a broad international movement, denounces the open genocide in Gaza, ethnic cleansing, and colonial settlement in the West Bank. It serves as a poignant rebuttal to the recent US veto obstructing a United Nations Security Council resolution to halt the Gaza war.

Lebanon's Support and Social Media Amplification: Lebanon Joins in Solidarity: Declares General Strike In response, Lebanon declares a comprehensive general strike, with public offices and educational institutes participating. Activists globally leverage social media platforms, urging widespread participation and amplifying the message of solidarity with Gaza.

Muwafaq Sahwil's Perspective: Muwafaq Sahwil's Call: A Message to the World Muwafaq Sahwil, Fatah's secretary, perceives the strike as a powerful message to the US administration and the international community, coinciding with the imminent UN General Assembly vote on a draft resolution for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.

Global Unity and UN General Assembly Vote: Global Unity Prevails: UN General Assembly Vote Looms As the world unites in the global strike, it aligns with the upcoming UN General Assembly vote on a draft resolution seeking an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. The international community's response becomes crucial in addressing the escalating crisis.

World Health Organization's Acknowledgment: WHO's Recognition: Catastrophic Health Situation in Gaza Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the World Health Organization's director-general, acknowledges the "catastrophic" health situation in Gaza. Despite an emergency motion for increased medical access, persistent challenges underscore the urgency of international intervention.

Call for Global Solidarity: Urgent Call: Global Solidarity for Gaza Emphasizing the urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis, the call for global solidarity supports Palestinians' aspirations for self-determination amid decades of occupation. The strike serves as a catalyst for the international community to take immediate action, advocating for an end to the war and the establishment of lasting peace in the region.